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The Spider Nebula
Here’s IC417, commonly known as the “Spider Nebula.” Just outside of the frame is a smaller one called the “Fly Nebula,” but my field of view isn’t quite big enough to capture them together! It’s about 10,000 light-years away, in the constellation Auriga. Imaged over 15 hours; narrowband nebula blended with RGB stars.

The Trifid Nebula (M20)
Our new observatory is starting to prove its worth… the Trifid Nebula is an object I’ve always wanted to capture, but in our previous location it was too low in the sky and was always obstructed by trees. Further complicating matters, it is a summertime object, and here in Florida summertime is the worst time…

Simplify and Automate your Astrophotography
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The Coalsack, Imaged from Australia!
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NGC2903 feels lonely.
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Another Go at the Pelican Nebula
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